STraffic is VISA Ready Partner certificed 관리자 2024.02.14 |
STaffic America has been approved as a VISA Ready Partner and will share relevant information with you. Becoming a “Visa Ready Partner” means we are certified to build and launch payment solutions that meet Visa’s global standards. This ensures that Visa's standards for security and functionality have been met, and Visa Ready certification provides partners with certification guidelines and access to Visa products and go-to-market expertise to help accelerate growth. Visa Ready Partner means we provide payment solutions that meet Visa's global standards, giving you confidence in your customers and helping you grow your business. This is an important certification that guarantees the reliability and credibility of S-Traffic’s payment solutions. * Visa Ready Program: A certification program that helps technology companies build and launch payment solutions that meet Visa's global standards1. This program accelerates partner growth by providing certification guidelines and access to Visa products and go-to-market expertise. Visa Ready Program * Benefits of VISA Ready Partner certification : Visa Partner | STraffic Becoming a Visa Ready Partner provides you with the following benefits: Differentiating your solution: Visa Ready certification demonstrates the reliability of your solution and gives customers confidence. This helps you differentiate your solution. Expand your business: Visa Ready certification helps you expand your business. By providing payment solutions that meet Visa's global standards, we will be able to serve more customers. Access Visa Ready Resources: Once your authentication is approved, you can access Visa Ready resources. This helps accelerate growth by providing access to Visa products and go-to-market expertise. Partner Directory Registration: Once your certification is approved, you can register your company in the Partner Directory. This allows you to join Visa's network and be featured in Visa Ready promotions. Visa Ready Partner certification is therefore an important program that helps technology companies build and launch payment solutions that meet Visa's global standards. * STRAFFIC approval page Visa Partner | STraffic