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Gyeonggi Changgyeong Center Successful completion of U.S. entry strategy seminar

관리자 2023.04.27



경기창조경제혁신센터가 최근 판교 창업존에서 미국 버지니아주 페어팩스 카운티 경제개발청(FCEDA)을 초청, 미국 진출을 희망하는 스타트업을 위한 세미나를 개최했다.
<<The Gyeonggi Center for Creative Economy & Innovation recently invited the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority (FCEDA) in the Pangyo Startup Zone to hold a seminar for startups wishing to enter the US market.>.>
The Gyeonggi Center for Creative Economy and Innovation (Director Shin Hyun-sam) announced on the 26th that it had invited the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority (FCEDA) in the Pangyo Startup Zone to hold a strategy seminar for startups wishing to enter the US market.

In this seminar, under the theme of 'Best Practices and Proven Approaches to Penetrating the US Market', △local investment ecosystem in the US (Eastern) △sales strategy such as preparation of sales and distribution channels for entering the US market △local advancement such as sharing experiences of senior companies It was conducted with a focus on practical help for companies that wanted to.

Fairfax County is called the Silicon Valley of the East, where information technology (IT)-centered industries are at the center of the economy, and among them, information security companies form a good environment for business. During this FCEDA visit to Korea, President Victor Hoskins also visited and met with many companies.

In particular, Christy Youk, the Asian officer, introduced FCEDA's business to enter the US market, shared the case of S'Traffic, a senior company that succeeded in entering the US market through FCEDA, and conducted networking.
Please refer to original news page.
경기창경센터, 미국 진출 전략 세미나 성료 - 전자신문 (