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A strong small company that penetrated the heart of the United States with technology... Planting the K-transportation system in the world

관리자 2023.04.03

A strong small company that penetrated the heart of the United States with technology... 

Planting the K-transportation system in the world


  • 1990's First localization of ticket issuance system
  • "It's as good as a big company" favorable reviews... 
  • A major innovation in subway use when the UWB method was introduced
  • Standing out in the field of unmanned electric vehicle and electric vehicle charging


     C.J. Moon as STraffic's CEO


Please refer to attached original newspaper article. 


[스타트업·혁신기업] 기술로 美 심장부 뚫은 강소기업… 세계에 K-교통시스템 심는다 - 디지털타임스 (